Monday, June 21, 2010

In different green spaces of Singapore, cardboard cows sporting jerseys of countries playing in the World Cup are staged. Very original idea!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Kitsch Delirium at the Haw Par Villa in Singapore

The Haw Par Villa is without a doubt the kingdom of kitsch.
This park is located on the south coast of Sinagpore , 262 Pair Panjang Road. The entrance is free. It was built in 1937 by Aw Boon Haw, owner of Tiger Blam, in honor of his brother Boon Par. The tiger balm is an ancestral chinese balm composed of medicinal plants used for pain relief.

We went to the park by taxi. The taxi driver was a bit surprised when we announced our destination. He explained to us that this park was unfortunately ran down and that it would take a lot of money to rehabilitate it. The driver also told us that some of the things portrayed in the park can be misunderstood and misinterpreted by westerners.

In this park, there are a lot of statues staged to illustrate Chinese moral values.

We started our visit with the courts of hell. I'm not putting up pictures of the judgements of hell because they can be quite gore.
The doors of hell

Laughing Buddha

Don't ask me why there is a statue of liberty in this park.

Zapin D' Muara at the Malay heritage center of Singapore

Last weekend at the Malay heritage center, located in the Arab street district, the Zapin'D Muara event took place. This event was part of the Singapore Arts Festival.
Zapin is a traditional dance from Indonesia and Malaysia. This dance originated in the middle east and was introduced in southeast Asia by arabic muslim missionaries in the 14th century. In the past, Zapin was only danced by men during religious ceremonies. Today, men and women dance Zapin in shows accompanied by musicians and singers.

This celebration was a great way to encounter and discover the Malay culture in Singapore. Surprisingly, there weren't many of tourists at this event.

Silat, a Malay martial art

Zapin dance show

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Singapore by night

Parkview square Building (600 North bridge road), inspired by the Chanin Building in New York

Shops on Bussorah street in the Arab street district

ION shopping center on Orchard road

Shrek nail polish

Surprising but true! Nail polishes with the colors of Shrek.

Swedish café in Singapore

What a surprise to come across a small Swedish café in the Arab street neighborhood of Singapore.

Café Fika, 257 Beach road

Once inside, there is no doubt we're in Sweden: cheap and fast trip!