Sunday, May 30, 2010

Streestyles of the week

Singapore Arts Festival: The Mobile Sewing Company at VivoCity

Last weekend at the VivoCity shopping center in Singapore, two Dutch ladies customized the passers-by' clothes on the spot by using sewing machines powered by Dutch bikes. It was really fun to watch and try.

Don't miss them if you are in one of these cities this summer: Maison Folie de Moulin, Lille June 6th; L'échappée Belle, Blanquefort June 12th and 13th; Lorient June 17th; Rose Zaterdag, Amersfoot June 26th; Internationaal Straattheaterfestival, Meenen July 21th.

For more info check out their website:

I bought a cheap white tee-shirt and it got transformed into:

Singapore Sling at the "Long Bar" of the Raffles hotel

The Singapore Sling is a famous cocktail in Singapore. You can drink it at the “Long Bar” of the legendary Raffles Hotel. A barman named De Ngiam Tong Boon invented this cocktail at the “Long Bar” in 1913.

Here is the recipe:

30 ml Gin

15 ml Cherry Brandy

120 ml pineapple juice

15 ml Lime Juice

10 ml Cointreau

10 ml Dom Benedictine

10 ml Grenadine

A dash of Angostrura Bitters

On the tables of the Long bar, there are boxes full of peanuts.
What’s specific about this bar is that everybody throws their peanut shells on the floor.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Singapore Arts Festival Opening: Invitation To Dream - A Fire Garden Installation

I came across a great video of the Singapore Arts Festival opening. It reflects the magical atmosphere of the show. To view pics of this amazing fire installation, refer to my post entitled: "Fire garden installations at Empress Place and Esplanade Park in Singapore"

Vesak day in Singapore

Yesterday was Vesak, a Buddhist holiday celebrating the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha. It was a good occasion to go visit yet another temple, the Lian Shan Shuang Lin Temple, the oldest buddhist monastery of Singapore.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

weekend in Kuala Lumpur: "Colours of Malaysia 2010" parade

Last weekend in Kuala Lumpur, there was a big parade of all the regions of Malaysia. All of these young people dressed in costumes were happy and proud to be photographed.

Amazing makeup

weekend in Kuala Lumpur: Batu caves

The Batu caves are located 15km north of Kuala Lumpur. The biggest cave was tranformed into a Hindu temple at the end of the XIXth century. This temple is dedicated to the god Murugan, one of Shiva's sons. You have to climb 272 steps to reach the cave.

A couple taking wedding pictures

Weekend in Kuala Lumpur: Chinatown

In Chinatown, in Kuala lumpur, you can buy fake bags, DVDs, shoes, watches...
It is interesting to see how this parallel economy is organized.