Sunday, May 16, 2010

My exotic daytrip to Pulau Ubin

Pulau Ubin is a small tropical island (10 km2) in the north-east of Singapore.
To get to Pulau Ubin, we took a bumboat for about 10 minutes. We arrived in a small rustic village with a few places to eat and several bike rental shops.
We rented a bike and ventured into the island's jungle. It was really hard to cycle on some of the paths. It was a challenge due to the warm and humid weather. Pulau Ubin is only 10 minutes away from the main island of Singapore but I really felt transported to a whole other place.

Very unusual: a bumboat with both a French and a Danish flag on it

Enjoying my fruit salad

Singlish: the English-based creole language spoken in Singapore, in my opinion very hard to understand.

Mangroves. Mangroves have a protective effects against tsunamis. So it is essential to keep mangrove forests intact.


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